Kristine Lassen Kristine Lassen

Posture and Breathing–What’s the Connection

Good posture is not subjective or a reflection of your character. Good posture refers to the body's alignment in a way that minimizes strain on muscles and ligaments. It involves maintaining a neutral spine position, where the back's natural curves are preserved.

Good posture is built from the bottom up, starting with the pelvis.

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Kristine Lassen Kristine Lassen

Stress Management Through Breathing

Stress can seem like a constant companion, and eliminating outside triggers is not always an option. The good news is that one of the most effective stress-reducing tools is always accessible—the breath. Simple and effective breathing techniques can activate the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which can calm the mind, help manage stress, and enhance overall well-being.

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Alexandra Haller Alexandra Haller

Meditation in Everyday Life: My Journey from Skeptic to Enthusiast

While meditating everyday might not take you to the heights of a Buddhist monastery, it will help you cultivate a center of resilience, empathy, and calm. Here’s one women’s story on how remaining open through her early struggles led to a consistent meditation practice.

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Michelle Richards Michelle Richards

The Origin of (and great love behind) Oakland Myo

“Ma’am, your daughter’s fine,” every doctor and specialist that I took my baby to said to me. They looked at me in a way that rattled my waning confidence and grip on reality.

How could they NOT see that she wasn’t healthy?? Was I going crazy?

I became THAT mom. I knew that my child needed help, yet every doctor and specialist was telling me otherwise. I was becoming desperate.

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Michelle Richards Michelle Richards

Breastfeeding challenges? It’s not your fault, Mama!

New moms are quick to blame themselves for their low milk supply, pain and ability to feed their baby, but it’s usually not the mother’s fault. Let’s look at the relationship between lip and tongue for some effective interventions that will make breastfeeding easier for mom and baby. There are several effective treatments and management strategies for babies that can help improve breastfeeding outcomes. Help is available!

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