Terms of Use
Privacy Policy
Copyright License

Terms of Use

These Terms of Use apply to your use of OaklandMyo.com (the “Website”).

All references to “us” and similar words such as “we” and “our” (even if not capitalized) mean Oakland Myo and Wellness Institute, LLC, a Michigan limited liability company. All references to “you” and similar words such as “your” (even if not capitalized) mean the individual using the Website, and if you are using the Website on behalf of a business entity, it means both you and that business.

By using the Website, you are agreeing to these terms and the other policies referenced in these terms. If you are using the Website on behalf of a business entity, then you represent that you are authorized to use the Website on behalf of that business and you are agreeing to these terms and the other policies referenced in these terms on behalf of both you and that business.

If you do not agree to these terms, then you may not use the Website.

Use of the Website

License to Use the Website

Subject to your compliance with these terms, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, and revocable license to access and use the Website solely for your own use.

Not for Children

The Website is not designed for children. You may not use the Website if you are under 13 years old.

Prohibited Uses

You shall not directly or indirectly: (a) use the Website for any illegal purpose or in a way that would violate another contract, (b) resell or otherwise make the Website available to third parties without our express permission, (c) use the Website in any way that may harm the Website, including using bots, scrapers, harvesters, or other automated systems, (d) take any action which constitutes reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or otherwise attempting to discover the source code, object code, or underlying structure or algorithms, of the Website, or (e) attempt to use the Website without our express permission after we have terminated your right to use the Website.


We may add to, modify, suspend, or discontinue, all or parts of the Website at any time, for any reason, with or without notice to you. We will not be liable to you for any such change.

No Support

We will not have any obligation to provide any customer support with respect to your use of the Website.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is available at oaklandmyo.com/legal-terms/#privacy-policy. That Privacy Policy applies to your use of the Website. By using the Website, you consent to our collection and use of your information, as described in our Privacy Policy.

No Medical Advice

The content on this Website is general in nature and does not constitute medical or health advice or any other

form of licensed advice. Nothing on this Website should be relied upon or used to make medical or health decisions without first consulting with licensed medical professionals to consider your unique circumstances.

User Accounts

We may allow you to create an account (or we may create one for you) to use the Website. If you create (or accept) an account, then we may request information about you as described in the account setup process and in these terms and the other policies referenced in these terms. Subject to the other provisions in these terms, both you and we may terminate your account any time. You must keep your account credentials private and may not allow other people to use your account. You are responsible for everything that happens through your account.

Intellectual Property

The Website (including all design, software, code, and other content on the Website) is either owned by us, licensed to us, or likely owned by another individual or business, and may be protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other intellectual property laws. As between you and us, we own all the foregoing. Your use of the Website does not grant any rights to you other than the right to use the Website for their intended purpose as outlined in these terms.

Exclusions, Disclaimers, & Limitations of Liability

All references to “us” and similar words such as “we” and “our” (even if not capitalized) in this section mean us and our affiliates, and the respective owners, directors, officers, managers, employees, contractors, and other representatives, of us and our affiliates.

The Website is offered on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis without any representations or warranties of any kind. Without limitation, we do not represent or warrant that (a) the information on the Website is free from error, (b) the functionality of the Website will be uninterrupted, secure, or free of errors, (c) defects in the Website will be corrected, or (d) that the Website or the equipment the Website use are free of viruses. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all representations and warranties (express, implied, and statutory), including the implied warranties of merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of data, and non-infringement, and all liability for identity theft and other misuse of your identity or content. We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for, any product or service advertised or offered by a third party on the Website, or for any other websites or applications which are linked to or referenced in the Website. If you use or purchase any such products or services, or if you click on any such links, you do so at your sole risk. We will not be liable to you or any third party for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, cover, or punitive damages (including lost profits or revenues, loss of data, loss of use, or costs of obtaining substitute goods or services), arising out of or in connection to the Website or your use of the Website.

All limitations of liability in these terms will apply regardless of whether you or the third party bases your/its claim on contract, tort, strict liability, or any other legal theory, and whether we knew or should have known about the possibility of such damages. All limitations of liability in these terms will apply to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any cause of action or claim which you may have which arises out of or in connection to the Website or your use of the Website must be brought (if at all) within one year after the cause of action or claim accrued. Otherwise, such cause of action or claim will be permanently barred. All the foregoing limitations will apply even if a remedy fails of its essential purpose and to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Please also read the section above under the title “No Medical Advice.”

Some jurisdictions do not allow certain exclusions, disclaimers, and limitations of liability. To the extent such jurisdictions’ laws are applicable to your use of the Website, such exclusions, disclaimers, and limitations of liability, will be limited to the extent required by the applicable law.


You may terminate your account or your use of the Website at any time. We may temporarily or permanently terminate your licensee to use the Website at any time, for any reason, in our sole discretion, with or without notice to you.

If your license to use the Website is terminated (by either party), the following provisions of these terms will continue to apply to you and will survive such termination: (a) all provisions restricting your right to use the Website and all provisions limiting our obligations to you, (b) all provisions related to our intellectual property rights, (c) all provisions related to your indemnification obligations and all provisions related to governing law, jurisdiction, and waiver of jury trials, (d) all provisions related to exclusions, disclaimers, and limitations of liability (except as limited by applicable law), (e) all provisions related to termination of your license to use the Website, and (f) all miscellaneous provisions.


You shall indemnify us and our affiliates, and the respective owners, directors, officers, managers, employees, contractors, and other representatives, of us and our affiliates (the “Protected Parties”) against all reasonable expenses including attorneys’ fees, costs, and damages of every kind (the “Losses”) arising out of any suit, claim, investigation, or proceeding, which is threatened or brought against a Protected Party, related to your (a) use of the Website, (b) breach of these terms or any other policies referenced in these terms, (c) submission of content to us that violates third party rights or applicable laws, or (d) violation of applicable law. We may, at your expense, assume the exclusive control and defense of any such matter. You shall cooperate, at your expense, with our control and defense of any such matter. You shall not settle any such matter without our prior written consent.

Legal Provisions

Governing Law & Jurisdiction

Our provision of the Website, your use of the Website, and these terms and all policies referenced in these terms, will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Michigan excluding its conflict of law principles. With respect to any dispute arising out of or related to any of the foregoing, both you and we consent to jurisdiction in, and the exclusive venue of, the state courts in Oakland County, Michigan, or when applicable in the U.S. District Court having jurisdiction over that county.

Waiver of Jury Trial

You and we each waive trial by jury in all actions, proceedings, or counterclaims brought by either party against the other on any matter arising out of or in any way connected to the Website, your use of the Website, and these terms and all policies referenced in these terms.

Power to Amend these Terms

We may amend these terms any time, for any reason, with or without notice to you. Your continued use of the Website after the amended terms are posted on the Website will constitute your acknowledgment and agreement to the amended terms.


Unless otherwise required by these terms or applicable law, you may contact us at michelle@oaklandmyo.com.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to your use of OaklandMyo.com (the “Website”).

All references to “us” and similar words such as “we” and “our” (even if not capitalized) mean Oakland Myo and Wellness Institute, LLC. All references to “you” and similar words such as “your” (even if not capitalized) mean the individual using the Website, and if you are using the Website on behalf of a business entity, it means both you and that business.

By using the Website, you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy. If you are using the Website on behalf of a business entity, then you represent that you are authorized to use the Website on behalf of that business and you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy on behalf of both you and that business.

If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, then you may not use the Website.

(Please note that this Privacy Policy only applies to information you share with us through the Website. If you share information to us outside the website, in a client relationship with us, then different policies will apply to our collection and use of that information.)

Terms of Use

Our Terms of Use are available at oaklandmyo.com/legal-terms/#terms-of-use. Those Terms of Use apply to your use of the Website.

Information We Collect

Anonymous Data

If you use the Website, then we may collect Anonymous Data from you. “Anonymous Data” means information which is not personal in nature, and which does not identify you as a specific individual or business.

Personal Data

If you use the Website, then we may collect Personal Data from you as a result of that use. “Personal Data” means the following types of information:

  • Basic Information: Your name, business name, address, email address, phone numbers, and similar types of information.

  • Account Information: Documents you may request to learn more about how our business operates, such as our fees, and specific types of paperwork based on your needs, your referral source/how you found our practice, and any notes to practitioner/reason for booking an appointment.

  • Information We Collect Automatically: We may collect information about you automatically, including your IP address, operating system, browser ID, browsing activity, time stamps, site navigation, button clicks, and similar types of information. We may also use and/or collect cookies and other types of data files (such as web beacons and cookie-equivalent technology), some of which may be stored on your computer or electronic device for use when you use the Website.

Sensitive Personal Data

We do not intend to collect information which is more sensitive and private than the types of information described above (sometime called sensitive personal data). You should not submit any sensitive personal data to us through the Website.

How We Use Your Information

Aggregated Data

We may aggregate your Personal Data with information we have about other individuals and business for the purpose of converting it into Anonymous Data. Once converted into Anonymous Data, we may use that Anonymous Data as provided in this Privacy Policy.

Anonymous Data

We may use Anonymous Data for any purpose not otherwise prohibited by applicable law, without your consent, without providing notice to you, and without providing compensation to you, including sharing and selling Anonymous Data to third parties.

Personal Data

We will not share or sell your Personal Data except as described in this Privacy Policy. We may use your Personal Data as follows:

  • Provision and Customization of Services: We may use your Personal Data to provide the Website to you for its intended purposes, as well as to customize and/or enhance your use of the Website.

  • Advertising: We may use your Personal Data to serve more customized ads to you.

  • Communications: We may use your Personal Data to send communications to you, including marketing communications (unless you opt-out).

  • Retention: We may store and retain your Personal Data for purposes of using it as described in this Privacy Policy and in our Terms of Use.

  • Per our Terms of Use: We may use your Personal Data as provided in our Terms of Use and the other policies referenced in those Terms of Use.

Improvements to the Services

If you share ideas or suggestions with us regarding improving or modifying the Website, then we may use all the same without your consent, without providing notice to you, and without providing compensation to you.

Compliance with Legal Process

We may use and share your Personal Data as follows: (a) to comply with court orders, valid discovery requests, valid subpoenas, and other appropriate legal mechanisms, (b) to respond to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements, (c) to prosecute and defend a court, arbitration, or similar legal proceeding, (d) with our representatives and advisors, including attorneys and accountants, and (e) if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to enforce our Terms of Use or any policies referenced in our Terms of Use or to investigate or prevent illegal or immoral actions.

Data Retention & Deletion

We do not have any obligation to store your Personal Data for your benefit for the benefit of any third party. We may delete all or parts of your Personal Data at any time, for any reason, without notice to you. If your license to use the Website is terminated (by either party), then we may retain your Personal Data in our sole discretion. You may request that we delete your Personal Data from the Website, but except as required in this Privacy Policy or applicable law, we do not have any obligation to honor that request.

Cookies & Tracking Data

You may restrict our ability to use cookies and certain other types of data files by adjusting the settings on your device or browser. However, please note that if you create such restrictions, all or parts of the Website may not operate as intended (or at all).

Social Media Account Information

The only way for you to control what information third-party social media platforms share with us is to adjust your settings in those platforms. We disclaim all liability resulting from those platforms’ unauthorized disclosure to us of any information which you requested the platforms not share with us.


We use reasonable efforts to protect your information, especially your Personal Data. However, since the Internet is not a 100% secure environment, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us.

Power to Amend this Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time, for any reason, with or without notice to you, and your continued use of the Website after the amended Privacy Policy is posted on the Website will constitute your acknowledgment and agreement to the amended Privacy Policy.


If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, how we collect and use your information, or your choices and rights regarding the same, then you may contact us at michelle@oaklandmyo.com.

Copyright License

Effective Date: 5.27.2024


All references in this license to “us” and similar words such as “we” and “our” (even if not capitalized) mean Oakland Myo and Wellness Institute, LLC. All references to “you” and similar words such as “your” (even if not capitalized) mean the individual purchasing or otherwise accessing our Products, and if you are doing so on behalf of a business entity, then it means both you and that business entity.

This license will apply to your use of all Products we provide or sell to you, except to the extent we have a different written agreement with you with respect to specific goods we provide or sell to you. For clarity, “Product” means all digital goods offered on our website (OaklandMyo.com) and other platforms operated by us. “Product” includes both free downloads and paid products such as workbooks, videos, templates, and the like.

License to Use the Product


If you purchase a Product from us (or otherwise access a free Product from us, with our permission), and provided you pay all applicable fees for the Product, then we automatically grant you a limited license to use the same in accordance with this license.

What You Can Do

The license we grant you to use the Product includes only the rights contemplated in this section.

You can:

Save and duplicate your copy of the Product for your own use.

Fill in the blanks in your copy of the Product for your own use.

Edit your copy of the Product for your own use.

For Products which are clearly intended to be shared with other parties (for example, a therapy strategy template for your client), you can share the filled-in versions of the Product (but not the template version itself) with those other parties, including any edits you make to the same.

Exercise these rights anywhere in the world, an unlimited number of times, with attribution to us.

What You Cannot Do

The license we grant to you to use the Product is limited.

You cannot do any of the following:

Share the Product with a third party, except as expressly permitted by us in writing.

Make the Product publicly available to one or more third parties (for example, don’t make it available for download online), except as expressly permitted by us.

Sell the Product, assign your license, or sublicense your rights in this license, to any third party.

Create any derivate work using all or any portion of the Product which is then shared, sold, or licensed, to third parties.

Take any action to indicate that you own the copyright to the Product.

Use the Product in any way which is libelous, slanderous, or otherwise defamatory, illegal, obscene, or indecent.

Use the Product in any manner not permitted in this license.

Payments for Sharing Paid Products

If you share a paid Product with a third party in a manner not permitted in this license, and that third party uses that Product or exercises any of the rights in this license without purchasing the same, then we may invoice you for such use at the then current purchase price and you shall pay the purchase price for that third party user.


You may terminate your use of Products any time, subject to your obligations in this ​license.

If you breach any provision in this license (including your failure to pay us all fees applicable to your Product), then we may terminate the license granted to you and we will not have any obligation to refund your purchase price. Upon such termination, you shall immediately cease all future uses of the Product and all rights granted to you in this license will automatically be revoked.

We Own the Products and Associated Copyright

Your purchase of (or otherwise accessing) a Product does not constitute any assignment or transfer of ownership of the Product (or underlying intellectual property, including copyright, to the same). For clarity, as between you and us, we own and will continue to own all Products and all underlying intellectual property, including copyright to the same.


All references to “us” (and similar words such as “we” and “our”) in this section mean us and our parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and the respective owners, directors, officers, managers, employees, contractors, and other representatives, of us and our parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates.

Except as expressly provided in this license, the following provisions will apply to all Products you purchase (or otherwise access).

All Products are offered on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis without any representations or warranties of any kind.

Without limitation, we do not represent or warrant that (a) the information in the Products is free from error; (b) the functionality of the Products will be uninterrupted, secure, or free of errors; (c) defects in the Products will be corrected; or (d) that the Products or the equipment the Products use are free of viruses.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all representations and warranties (express, implied, and statutory), including the implied warranties of merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of data, and non-infringement; and also all liability for identity theft and other misuse of your identity or content.

We do not vet content submitted by users of our Products and we do not represent or guarantee that any such content is truthful or accurate or that you will have any right to use that content.

We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for, any product or service advertised or offered by a third party on our services, or for any other websites or applications which are linked to or referenced in our services. If you use or purchase any such products or services, or if you click on any such links, you do so at your sole risk.

We will not be liable to you or any third party for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, cover, or punitive damages (including lost profits or revenues, loss of data, loss of use, or costs of obtaining substitute goods or services), arising out of or in connection to the Products or any links provided in our services.

All limitations of liability in this license will apply regardless of whether you or the third party bases your/its claim on contract, tort, strict liability, or any other legal theory, and whether we knew or should have known about the possibility of such damages.

All limitations of liability in this license will apply to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Subject to the limitations of liability in this license, our liability to you or any third party will not exceed the amount you paid for the Products.

Any cause of action or claim which you may have which arises out of or in connection to the Products must be brought (if at all) within one year after the cause of action or claim accrued. Otherwise, such cause of action or claim will be permanently barred.

All the foregoing limitations will apply even if a remedy fails of its essential purpose and to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Some jurisdictions do not allow certain disclaimers, limitations of liability, and exclusions. To the extent such jurisdictions’ laws are applicable to your use of the Products, such disclaimers, limitations of liability, and exclusions, will be limited to the extent permitted by the applicable law.


You shall indemnify us and our parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and the respective owners, directors, officers, managers, employees, contractors, and other representatives, of us and our parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates (the “Protected Parties”) against all reasonable expenses including attorneys’ fees, costs, and damages of every kind (the “Losses”) arising out of any suit, claim, investigation, or proceeding, which is threatened or brought against a Protected Party, related to your (a) use of any one or more Product (b) breach of this license, or (c) violation of applicable law. We may, at your expense, assume the exclusive control and defense of any such matter. You shall cooperate, at your expense, with our control and defense of any such matter. You shall not settle any such matter without our prior written consent.

Legal Provisions

Governing Law & Jurisdiction

Your use of our Products (including your purchase of our Products) and these license terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Michigan excluding its conflict of law principles. With respect to any dispute arising out of or related to any of the foregoing, both you and we consent to jurisdiction in, and the exclusive venue of, the state courts in Michigan, or when applicable any U.S. District Court in that state.

Waiver of Jury Trial

You and we each waive trial by jury in all actions, proceedings, or counterclaims brought by either party against the other on any matter arising out of or in any way connected to this license.



Any failure or delay by us to exercise any right or remedy in this license will not operate as a waiver of the same. Any waiver by us of a breach by you of any provision in this license will not operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach. Any waiver by us will not be effective unless and until it is in written form and signed by us.


Each provision in this license will be treated as separate and independent of the other provisions. Accordingly, if a court with competent jurisdiction declares a provision unenforceable, then the provision will be limited to the minimum extent necessary so that it remains enforceable. If such amendment is not possible, then the unenforceable provision will be deemed removed from this license, but the remaining provisions will remain in full force.


You may not assign your rights or obligations in this license or any policies referenced in this license without our prior written consent. Any attempted assignment by you will be null and void. We may assign our rights and obligations in this license at any time, for any reason, with or without notice to you.

Power to Amend this License

The provisions in this license will apply to Products you purchase or otherwise access. If we amend this license in the future, then the amended version will apply to Products you purchase or otherwise access in the future.


Unless otherwise required by these this license or by law, you may contact us at michelle@oaklandmyo.com.